What poo feels like
I feel like poo today. I woke up at 5:30 coughing, wheezing and blowing my nose until it has become raw (even with charmin). I am scheduled to see an allergist on Thursday so in the meantime I am not allowed to take any antihistamine's - o joy. I even feel nautious and have puked twice already this morning. I'm not sure what it was I puked the first time. It looked like it had red and green peppers - but I haven't eaten anything with red anda green peppers. The only thing I ate yesterday was a baked potato with some cooked ground pork and a can of green beans. I wonder why I feel this way. To top it off I have a meeting at 10, my car broke down yesterday and if I can somehow get it fixed for cheap and back to me, I can drop off the rental before 1 and avoid and extra $36 but I also have to be in court at noon! STRESS~
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