A description of what it is like to be me. In my head...in my world...what I think...what I do...how i poo...but never why...and never about pie...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

What does it all mean?!

I had a dream last nite that this guy (who will remain nameless) started expressing his feelings for me to me, but didn't want to act upon them b/c of a) work interference and 2) live in girlfriend. Does this mean I want him to say these things?
Enter real life....
Then when I started talking to a girlfriend about BB and how I wasn't so into him, she made an offhand remark about "he who will remain namless" and how I should ask him to be the father of my children! I gasped and laughed and was slightly embarressed b/c I remembered the dream I had had and she just said...i know what u r thinking and I said no u don't. And then she also remarked how we were wearing the same colors today and that that was a sign. I quickly changed the subject...

Oh what does it all mean?!


Blogger Winter and Wine Markets said...

In retrospect do you regret changing the subject you were having with your girlfriend? I would. I think it means that your girlfriend has seen through your façade and recognizes your true feelings for this man before you did. Isn’t that exciting?

1:53 PM


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