A description of what it is like to be me. In my head...in my world...what I think...what I do...how i poo...but never why...and never about pie...

Thursday, August 26, 2004


Last night I spent the evening drawing pictures on bristol board. I am proud of what came out after a few hours of doodling and can't wait to get back to it tonight. I drew a girl with her face sitting on her hands which are balled into fists -(inspired by how I was feeling and a cartoonist named Heather McAdams), then I drew a very close up of the neck of a guitar with fingers pressing down strings (from a photo I took) and from the same photo I drew a close up of the guitar with the hand coming down and playing - (inspired by the painting I saw hanging in Eddie's Attic last week). Also, ML called me last night. He is moving back downtown (yeah!) at the 1st of the month - I guess that means he won't be coming to Destin, but I pretty much knew that anyways. Well, not much to tell, so I will be going. Oh, here is a link to an interesting site I found yesterday while searching "chimney sweeps" on google: http://flueseason.com/history-of-chimney-sweeps


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