That guy who ... buys you (anything) abottle of liquor (seemingly to prove he is "nice") and then brings up CONSTANTLY. "I BOUGHT THAT" - me - yes and i thanked you. YOU HAVE TO SHARE WITH ME - me - I haven't opened it yet ((EARLIER)) brings home 2 homeless people he met in the little park off jihn esley dobbs & freedom parkway in downtown Atlanta ... brings them into our place of residence & they proceed to drink all of his liquor. I don't even feel comfortable coming back in from my walk with my puppy bc he's on the couch making friends with crackheads. WHY??? BECAUSE HE's A CRACKHEAD ALCOHOLIC. CONSTANTLY knocking on my doot aftr I'm asleep BEGGING for "just one more shot" WAKING ME UP KN)CKING on my bedroom door a few hours later because he's lost one of his 4 phones and can't find it. LYING to me saying it's 2 o clock in the afternoon it was actualy 11 am. ANYTHING I have he wants he feels entitled to. If I buy cigarettes (which he NEVER HAS BUT ALWAYS WANTS) he deserves them. Thinks I owe him $500 for food I'ver ate of his, when in reality I've maybe eaten a few cans of expired cans of beans. Sean goes to buy on sale groceries at least 2x a week and then leaves it either on the counter (eggs have ben on the counter for 3 weeks now) or to rot or in the fridge - (no wonder no one will eat your food) CONSTANTLY tells me he's a "nice guy" all the time. FUCK HIS NICE GUY DELUSION. If I begin to say ANYTHING... ANYTHING, INEVITABLY interrupts me to tell me a fucking borung ass not funny not even relevant story about something from his past... "one time in college which i was in for 10 years but never graduated but im smarter than you ... i know everythingm let me just tell you this ONE thing..." it's never ever been one thing ... the amount of verbal diahrrea literally never stops pouring from his crusty lips. Has he left the house in the the 6 months I've been here? NO Has he even left his room? BAREELY Starts conversations about the same thing he told ne YESTERDAY and the day before and the day before. If I say you told me this, THIS fucker has to finish his stupid thougt/sentence. Every time he gets upset he tells me how much everyone hates me tells me he's gonna evict me. MOTHER FUCKER I KNOW GA TENANAT/LANLORD LAW SO..... FUCK YOU SEAN HERNAN OF HERNAN FAMILY LAW
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